Friday, January 27, 2006

The Physics of Physics

I did it.

I wrote my physics exam. Truth be told, I had given up on it a week ago. I was gonna let this one slide, accept my crappy mark, and chalk it up to experience.( to never break up at the beginning of a term.) But then I had visions of myself sitting there, staring at the questions having no idea how to solve them, beads of sweat forming on my forehead, and butterflies swirling in my stomach. I got very scared. So I studied. Not only that, I made a b-line for the uni bookstore and bought the 2005 physics textbook, student solutions manual, and a book of multiple choice questions.($200+) I studied like a maniac for two days, only breaking for class or when I physically couldnt handee it anymore. I was counting down the hours.

Suddenly I found myself staring at the opscan sheet, with nothing but a pencil, calculator, 1.5 hours, and my brain.

The thing about the phyics exams here is you never know what they're gonna throw at you. You can study the simple stuff and they'll have really hard Q's, or you can prepare for a tiger test and they hit you with a fuzzy kitten. This one was somewhere in between. A fuzzy tiger. Or maybe a black and orange kitten.
Anyhoo, I think I did pretty good. Better than I would have if I had bypassed the studying. But you never really know how you did until you get it back. My first exam I thought I did awesome and I only got 60. My second, I thought I did so-so and I ended up with a 86. My goal is to finish physics with at least an 85, so I gotta work really hard. (Currently at 75) Marks wont be in for a good 1-2 weeks, but I'll let you know the results.

Friday, January 20, 2006


Planetary mechanics of my ex:
There is no God
The sun stays where it is
The Earth revolves around me
I revolve around my cellphone

What is it with people and cell phones? As I was scarfing down a piece of pizza today, I saw a girl and a guy sitting at a table together. Everything seemed normal except for one thing: He was sitting there staring off into space while she was yacking away on her () I was like what the h..? I don't even understand it. Why do people think that they are so important that they need to be contactable AT ALL TIMES? They're going off in movies, they're going off in classrooms, they're going off in church, in malls, in buses, people just walk around talking on them like if they hung up they would die. Like, drop dead in their tracks. Like that blonde joke where the blond goes to get her hair cut and she is wearing headphones and tells the stylist to cut around them and then when the blond falls asleep the stylist takes off the headphones, puts them on her ears and hears "Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale..."
Its is annoying as hell. They'll be walking down the hall and you're walking behind them, when HAAAAAAALT they stop, you rearend them, or sideswipe them and collide with someone else, all because of some stupid text-message or stupid ringtone going off.


I'm not even gonna..yeah.....we're just gonna leave that...
Ex friends (aka friends of my ex) used to ask me why I didn't have a cellphone. I said no one calls me when I'm at home, why would I pay $50+ a month just to be rejected on a minute to minute basis? Then they would say, "If you had a cellphone, I'd call you." Two words but I'll only give you the acronymical version, and also the initials(ironically) of a washed up trailer-trash pop singer: BS
I've seen the built in phone books. The lists hundreds of names long. They don't even know half the people. It's like people on MSN. They're online, but you never talk to them. You block them because you don't want to, you set your online status to "away" to avoid annoying IM's. Why not just block and delete? Because somewhere, somehow, SOMEDAY you MIGHT call them or they MIGHT call you, and you will NEED for the sake of YOUR LIFE, to have an up-to-the-minute call display. I gasp as I slowly fathom the potential catastrophes that could arise from being unprepared for such a situation. 9/11 and hurricane Catrina got nuthin on that.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


I am trying to convince myself that I am not sitting here blogging solely for the purpose of avoiding studying for physics. I wish I could crawl into a hole and die. I feel the same as when I broke up with my boyrfriend: If the earth were to open up and swallow me whole, I would not mind one bit. Infact, I would give thanks.

I am also trying to convince myself that I am not sitting here blogging solely for the purpose of avoiding the gungie greasy white trash school children with which I share the 3:30pm bus ride home.

Other things I am NOT avoiding:
The bloody-freezing minus 25 degrees of winter hellishness
Going home to a dirty kitchen and an empty fridge (partly my fault)
Spending another Friday night home, most likely alone or pretending to be invisible to my sister and her boyfriend
The pile of homework I have accumulated, which grows exponentially by a power of three daily
My boring ugly colorless-rent-a-home-so-you-can't-paint-it room

Yup. I am not avoiding those things. Don't even know why they came to mind.

Ok I had a heated discussion with someone about this last night. Is it wrong to make out with your sig.other in a restaurant? He said if he ever walked in and saw me making out with some guy in a restaurant he would do something to make me very embarrassed and my life very miserable. I smiled and swirled my straw in my marguerita and thought "Not if it was you..." I love this phase of the game, when they don't know...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Perils of a Left-Handed Life

I was always under the impression that segregation was not so rampant in my society. That was, until I entered university. The lecture theatres are huge, so many seats, so many potential classmate to befriend, so many angles to learn from, so many....wait a second, this desk doesn't work...

I am left-handed and always have been. It has never really been a problem for me, because for some reason, I only write with my left-hand, everthing else is right-handed. This would always throw off P.E. teachers, who would ask "Is anyone here left-handed?" Of course I would raise my hand and they would proceed to show me some alterplanetary method of holding the racket, throwing the ball, shooting the arrow, swinging the bat, loading the rifle, opening the parachute, etc etc, which would always end with me noting that I actually did it the other way. Suddenly I was some rare breed species of subhuman or superhuman. I prefer the latter.

So in uni one of the first things I noticed was that the desks built to accomadate left handers were scarce, and in some remote desolate corner of the room where no one else sits; the only company being dried up gum, spilled coffee cups, and furry creatures scuttling in and out of the creaking vents. I hate it! Is is to difficult to make multi-armable desks?(Yes I made that word up)Did it ever occur to the so-called "engineers" that we lefties like to be in the general viscinity of the chalkboard, within the general soundrange of the prof, within the general area of the campus? Obviously not.

A guy at work the other day told me that in medevielish times, lefties were considered witches and either had to write right or die! I say bring it! I'll challenge your near-sighted narrow-minded right-handed world! If writing left is such a handy-cap, then get Telemiracle to pay my tuition, give me my own entrance, and a parking space two metres from the door.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

on that day...

Oh sweet, sweet summer,
How I’ve missed you so!
Shine your warmth down on me
And wick the tears from my cheeks so quickly
That the shock of their sudden disappearance
Zaps the memory of their existence from my brain.

I will court you barefoot
And together, we will dance under the twinkling stars.
Our laugh is the tangy scent of a fresh pineapple
Whose juice drips down our chins and giggles
As it tickles our toes.

I will soar with the eagles through the month of July.
Only from way up there can I clearly see
Where I’ve been and where I am going.
The beat of their wings will fan the hair from my eyes,
As we play in the sky.

I will race you down a grassy hill
In a white skirt so soft and so delicate
That it forms a cloud at my knees
And I ride it to the bottom and that
is how I will win!

I will hold your hand
As we throw color bombs at the moon.
He will awaken when they explode and then
We will have a spotlight and an audience
For our dance in the lake!

Oh beautiful, beautiful summer,
I thought you had forgotten me,
But here you are at last!

Oh wonderful, glorious summer,
I promise I will not ignore you.
We will spend every minute of every day together,
And we will have so much fun!

Oh sweet, sweet summer,
Don’t ever leave me!
You are my one true love.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Questions of Science

I've spent the last two+ weeks trying to scrape myself off the ground and get on with my life, but it has not been easy. Im only two weeks into school and already I'm behind in every subject, with a stressload comparable to finals. On top of it all, I have a physics exam in less than two weeks and I haven't studied any of it!! So, needless to say, I've been freaking out, and not really sleeping much.

Last night I was tossing and turning, thinking about my past. Thinks like, why I worked so hard in highschool, how I felt when I was finished. The elation of finishing strong. That is what I want this year. The big stresser for me is physics, because if I don't get at least 70, I will have to take another one-year course next year, INCLUDING the labs from HELL and I DO NOT WANT THAT!!!! So, I have decided to kick it into high gear. Study Study Study. Forget about boys, forget about toys. TRAIN HARD! GO BIG! I am not gonna let a funny little footnote on my epic @$$ ruin my chances of success! So this is my pledge. You heard it here, folks. I'm turing my life around.

SoNg SuGgEsTiOn Of ThE dAy: Take A Picture-Filter

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

cough eee

So I signed up for a fitness consultation at the gym....should be interesting. i had visions of the guy off Napoleon Dynamite, ya know the guy that wears the star-spangled banner pants? " Now, who wants to sign up for my eight week program?"...ahem...only funny if you've seen the movie.

I worked last night from 4-11 and woke up soooooooo tired today. I was literally falling asleep in math class. That hasn't happened since high school. Totally sucks.
Anyway, I'm having visions of all the things I'm gonna buy! That pricey perfume I wanted, a new mattress, personal trainer, new sheets, some cool stuff for my butt-ugly room...the list goes on and on. I like how I know more than the people who are in charge of me, but I play it low like I'm some sort of coffee minion. The last thing I want is to supervise that place. Ugh.

I'll stay postd if you will....:P
oh yeah..
SoNg SuGgEsTiOn:let's see....We'll go with Waiting-Trapt

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Words of Wisdom from a Tyrant Mouth

The Top Ten Mistakes To Make At Tim Hortons

10) Leaning the donuts to the right instead of to the left

9)Getting caught taking a 35 minute break

8)Accidentally on purpose forgetting to put up the wet floor sign

7)Feeding timbits to seagulls out the drive thru window

6)Getting caught telling racist jokes over the headsets

5)Getting caught stealing ice capps and drinking them in drive thru

4)Whip topping fights

3)Undoing your top button

2)Lying on TIme and Temps

1)Falling in love with your Assistant Manager

Tell me world,...

is it crazy to want a new kind of pain? Not more, but a different kind. Sometimes my life is so ironicly painful, I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. I am back at Tim Hortons *sigh* Same company, different city, different people. Oh...and no boys. What what once my home is now back to what it originally started as...a jill job. However, I am powerless to erase all the laughter, the tears, the passions and memories in between. The love, the hate, the love...Oh the love that destroyed me. Sometimes I feel so out of control, like no matter how hard I try, I always end back at the same place. Oh well. Like I said, it's a jill job. I am there for one reason and one reason only: To pay for singing lessons.

I have decided that 2006 is DO IT year. I've done things I said I would never do, and have never done the things that I always said I would. No more talking, no more hoping and dreaming. If I want it, I get it. If I wanna do it, then I do! No more excuses! I want to sing my lungs out and nothing is going to stop me. Nothing.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Blue Parade

I hear them coming
The blue parade
They're throwing snowflakes and
Singing my name
In deep blue voices
I hear them say,
There's good love out there
Just you wait...

Hold on, I'm coming
Don't let anybody in

He don't read stars now 'cause he's getting old
So busy neutralizing
So much it leaves me cold and
How could you lie
How could you leave?
And take of my body, my hands,
My deep blue dreams...

Hold on, I'm coming
Don't let anybody in
Hold on, I'm ready
Lock your doors and wait for me

Now leaves are falling
From the mercy tree
The blue surrounds me
So I can get some sleep, and
Katie calls, and she'll say
'There's good love out there
Just you wait

You wait'

Oh, hold on, I'm coming
Don't let anybody in
Oh, hold on, I'm ready
Lock your doors and wait for me