For some reason I was really excited to come home from work and blog, even though I didn't really have anything interesting to blog about. I don't want to talk about work because I feel like when I'm not there, I need to focus on other things. So thats what I'm going to try and do.
So I came home and immediately went onto YouTube to update a few things. Confession: A long time ago ("Tell Me World..." January 7th, 2006) I blogged that I was going to use my Tim Hortons earnings to pay for singing lessons. That never happened. I did try though, but I was in school at the time and the lessons where really expensive and were going to be difficult to schedule and I had gotten rid of my car so I was going to have to bus there and it was just a big gong show. Fast forward from then to February 2010. A friend of mine had given me a microphone for my birthday, but I actually didn't get it until Christmas, which I'm still not sure how that happened...anyways. This friend encouraged me to record some music, and a few months later (Feb 2010) I wrote and recorded my first song!!! I was pretty excited because this was something totally new for me. Oh and also, about three years ago, after I got my first serving job (Yippee! It finally happened! Remember the Boston Pizza fiasco..."Rebirth" November 12th, 2005. Yeah I didn't get that job, but I got a different one two years later...) I ended up buying a pretty sweet digital portable grand piano. Combine that with the MacBook Pro that I did end up buying ("Hello World! Guess What?" May 16th, 2006... hey, this is kind of fun :) ) and voila! A little studio in my bedroom! So I have a YouTube account now and I post my new songs and stuff on there. So far, the feedback has been pretty great! The only problem is I am TERRIFIED of performing in front of people, which is the reason I stopped singing in the first place! Now work has caught onto my little hobby and apparently I am being forced against my will to perform at our staff AGM in February. I told my boss that I am scheduled to have H1N1 that day. We'll see how that pans out.
I don't really remember why I stopped blogging. Its not that I stopped logging my life away, I have countless word documents of my escapades, and I have been keeping some sort of journal or diary since... grade seven about (mind you, there are a few gaps)... maybe it was just easier when I was in school to use blogging as an excuse to take a break from studying. Who knows. I feel bad though. I went back and read everything and I had forgotten alot of stuff. And its cool to see what goals I had and what stuff what really important to me back then, and compare it to what actually worked out and what wasn't really that big of a deal. I will probably be referencing past entries in the next couple that I write so as to bridge that gap that is the last four and a half years. Stay tuned.
SoNg SuGgEsTiOn Of ThE dAy: Stars- The xx
(PS -I stopped doing these too somewhere along the lines...WTF I suck at consistency)
(PPS... or is it PSS..These may be mellow choices for the while, since I tend to blog before I go to sleep...:) Zzzzz.....
Ps: I Love [Gerard Butler]
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