Monday, May 08, 2006

Science of Progress

Alas, I have not written for many a moon. Life was kind a a whirlwind for a while. BUT I worked my arse off and killed my finals.

Class Final Exam Final Grade
Physics 97% 90%
Calculus 98% 98%
Spanish 95% 90%
English(barf) 80ish% 77%

I was super pumped about calculus, since I totally slacked in that class, never did homework, crammed for every test or quiz, and even skipped a few lectures to, erm, make out. I left studying for the final until two days before, then hammered out like mad. This time, I was more prepared for what they were going to throw at me. I had to write three weeks earlier than everyone else, because my exam was schedualed at the same day and time as english. Pukey English. Waiting for my mark killed me.

I wanted to ace the crap out of physics. I studied for a week. There was a lot of material. By the time I was done studying, I had done the equivalent of six or seven actual finals. I was a little nervous going in, because I need to keep my GPA up incase I want to transfer next year (I am considering going to Hawaii), but I finished in about an hour and a half, spent an hour going over the whole thing again, then left...I think I was the first one done. I did better in that class than I did in High school physics:P

I know I' m a keener, but seriously, I get a major high from doing well in school. I did awesome in highschool because i didnt have alot of friends, I didnt party or anything, and I barely worked. My boyfriend is going to Alberta in August, so that will be the end of us. Truthfully, I'm feeling that its over already, and somehow I'm not that distraught. I will miss him though. We got along really well, but what can you do. I'm not ready to get married and I'd rather die than be in another long distance relationship. My car is breaking down and I don't want it anymore. I want to get rid of it and free up that stressful part of my life. I wont have to pay for gas, plates, oil changes, repairs, tire swaps, yadda yadda. I can take the bus and walk everywhere, and out that extra money toward something cool, like a rad computer. I've decided that I am going to work really hard in school next year. I'm looking at how well I did on the finals and thinking why the hell didnt I work that hard all year long?> Oh yeah because my heart got wrenched out in January and I was left for dead. Now I remember...

Download: MakeDamnSure>Taking Back Sunday (MY BOYS ARE BACK!!!!!!!)

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