Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Anthem of Our Dying Dishwasher

So there's six people living in my house, right? At first it was small signals...more like warnings. First the cups would be streaky, then the silverware refused to come out clean. Finally, only plates would behave, and even they were a little shady. The dishwasher has risen against us..and conquered, and my parents were in denial.

" It works fine. Just don't use it."..." Dishwashers should last 20 years. It just need to be fixed."
But when they turn the power supply off and board up the door......

You can't really know unless you've ever been to my house.







We're talking three counters, AND a table full...on a good day.
And it's my night to wash. Praise my brother for lending me his iPod. Nothing a few hours and some Story of the Year won't cure.
I thought long and hard about writing a poem about my dishwashing woes, but I decided against it. I wasn't that desperate, and that required thought. You don't want to think when you have to wash that many dishes. It's dangerous.

SoNg SuGgEsTiOn Of ThE dAy: Anthem of Our Dying Day> Story of the Year

1 comment:

ad said..., just reading your blog, it's quite funny. i also have to admit that green iPods look cool although i admire my cd player.

hope you don't mind that i commented, feel free to comment on mine,
thanks for the read.